Friday, 30 November 2018

While waiting for a wood delivery got the apprentices to clean up the yard and make more room for more boats

Cleared the area next to the Hardy 25 to put another boat or any other item that needs to be worked on in the yard

Cleared the area behind the hardy so that it is easier to work on the back of the boat, as there is a bit of work to do on the transom

Clearing the area between the container and the front wall so this can be used as a short mast rack area

The wood piles sorted into soft and hardwood, so in future will be able to get straight to what is needed easily. 

The next boat into the workshop as this needs some engineering work on the propeller shaft bearing

Trailer full of firewood and a bit of scrap metal. 

Next week it is going to be busy with patterning up the new panel Finesse 21 deck. Then it is the centreboard case refitting on the Halcyon dinghy and then a small engineering job on the motor launch in the yard and then get the MG 30 in the workshop for the next three months. So the yard is going to be busy for the next few months.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

The apprentices doing a bit of yard maintenance while waiting for other parts of jobs to cure.

The start of a long overdue yard cleaning going underway 

Scrap wood being cut up and then off to get put in a person wood store to be used in his wood burner.

Starting to clear the way down the side of the Classic 1930's yacht so that it can be worked on over te winter and into the spring.

The Finesse 21 noggins are now all fitted and the areas where there is uneven areas are getting filled and faired

Now that all the noggins are fitted the areas where there is uneven surface as been filled and is getting faired up so that the new plywood will lay on the beams and gunwales and the top edge of the top plank.

The repair on the side of the hull is now all machined up ready to fit the fillet into the space 

Just getting to the extent of the rot in the transom area so that we know how much to cut out to clear the rot in this part of the transom.

The Mai-Star Class dinghy now all painted and varnished and ready to have the centreboard case fitted and the thwarts and lower mast step made and fitted

The dinghy is now painted and varnished and ready to have the final bit of masking tape removed and then when the varnish is dry, start to refit the thwarts and side benches fitted 

Now that the painting and varnishing is now finished the centreboard case can be made and fitted and the mast lower step can be made and varnished and fitted  and then the apprentices can start on making the oars and mast, gaff and boom.

Jasmine over on its keel again and now time to fix the centreboard back in position

Now that the keel is now fixed into position on the inner keel or hog as it is sometimes called, it is now time to get round to fixing in the centreboard case to stop the leak that developed 
 around this area

Now got to fit a brace across the centreboard case to the seat stringers to hold the centreboard case in the correct position to maintain the case in the vertical position so that the fixing screws go back into the case at the corrct angle and do not come out either inside the case or out into the inside of the boat.  

Now we have it on its keel the two ribs can be steamed into place as well

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

All the noggins are in place and the top of the top plank is cleaned off and te ccabin side too

All the noggins are in place and are ready to plane off and level the top  plank and the carlins and gunwales.

The top of the hull and the cabin side are now clear of the old sealant and glue so that there is a clean surface for the plywood to glue down on to as well as sealing the edge of the plywood against the cabin side and on to the top edge of the top plank as well 

One of the jobs to do tomorrow is to set a piece of plank into the area of rotten wood which as been removed.

At the same time there will be repairs done to the aft deck beam behind the cockpit coaming and also the deck beam on the transom side after the area of rot is remove from the top of the transom.

So there as been a lot done over the past few days, however there is a lot to do before the plywood arrives later in the week.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Masking up the hull sides ready to clean off the top edge of the hull.

The Finesse 21 aft deck area is in a bit of a poor condition

The top part of the transom behind the deck beam is rotten from a deck leak that as spread to the transom. 

The rest of the transom is reasonably good condition 

The whole area is very wet and will take time to dry out.

The whole will get a good sorting out and will be better when it is put back together.

The halcyon dinghy outer keel being dry fitted ready to be removed and refitted and then the boat turned over and have the centreboard fitted

The outer keel dry fitted and now ready to remove the keel and paint and then refitted on a bed of sealant.

The Mai-Star Class dinghy getting the varnish work

Masking up the hull ready to do the top plank and the gunwales and rubbing strakes to be varnished

The inside being masked up so any varnish not going on the varnished wood goes on the masking paper and not on the freshly painted hull

Saturday, 24 November 2018

The deck is finally off and now the hard work begins with cleanup the deck beams and carlins and the top edges of the top plank

The foredeck now clear of all the old plywood 

The side decks as well 

If any of you are wondering what the yellow masking tape is doing on the side of the hull it is to mark off the positions of the u bolts for the standing rigging and where the new chainplates are going to be when the new deck is laid and the chain plate are going to be used instead of u bolts to fix the standing rigging to and stop another leak problem having a chance at rotting the deck as it did before as all the loading was on the u bolt trying to be pull up out of the deck and causing the deck to leak under the u bolt plates and causing the deck to rot.

These pair of masking tape markers are for the position of the Genoa track position along the side deck and where they are presently screwed through the deck. This is a another possible leak and rot trap so this will have to be looked at to ensure this does not happen again when it is re-fixed to the deck once it as been sheathed.