Friday 9 November 2018

Plugging up the old fixing holes in the inner keel

Having counter boring the old fixing holes in the inner keel it was time to glue in plugs to fill the old oversized holes so that the new screws have a tight hole to go through and make a good seal between the inner keel and the centreboard case.   

The ends have to be fixed in a different way as when the keel was first made the ends were screw together before the bow and stern knees were fitted.

The centreboard case area needed all the holes plugging with new hardwood plugs. As this area as the most thwart-ships  pressure on the two parts of the keel. So this area is going to have the most new fixings put in place to ensure it as the best chance of making a good seal between the centreboard case and keel.

The only holes which have not been plugged are the screw holes for the inner and outer keel fixing holes which are going to have one gauge larger gauge screws fixing these two parts together and this time these will have sealant and paint between the two faces of the keel to ensure there is a good seal between the two parts of the keel.

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