Saturday 22 January 2022

An interesting week of doing jobs and sorting out the workshop,

The space the new water tank as to go into under the port berth in the main cabin.

First make a rough plan of what it needs to be 

The put in all the measurements and angles on to make the patterns for the tank

 Start to make up the plug after taking the measurement of the patterns and transferring on to the plywood to make the plug 

Having made the two ends and the centre brace to get the correct curve in the wall of the water tank against the hull, it was time to skin the tank framework in a piece of thin plywood make the wall of the water tank.

Once that was done, then placed it in the space to ensure it fitted the space neatly and made the best use of the available space

The second half of the week was spent sorting out the workshop and the outside yard to make it easier to move around the outside yard and put away bits of boat work that is not being worked on at present. So that first job was to be ruthless with what was in the workshop and out in the yard and getting rid of any bits that were not ever going to be worked on or was of any use. 

The main job I did this on the Chance front was to sort out the doors and drawers and put them on their own shelf  which will be the shelf for all the pieces of equipment and woodwork which are going to be worked on over the coming months as work progresses on the restoration of the boat.

Also during the week it gave me time to look around the workshop to make the best use of the available space and set out the workshop into work stations for different operations with their own sets of tools to do the different work the company does. Designated work stations to do thickening and planning wood and crop sawing the wood as necessary and set of holesaws and their mandrills, next a small engineering workstation with bench grinder, cleaning bath for degreasing parts, a complete set of metric and A/F spanners and various wrenches and small and large hacksaws and copper and plastic headed  mallets and a small MiG welder for small fabrication work. A large pillar drill for working on larger metal drilling work. 

Then we have a wood turning lathe for any wood turning work needed on the boats, be it a wood or nylon bush that is needed to as spacers of runners to set up cutting of shaft logs and other wood work needed in and around the workshop or out in the yard. Next a wood working bench to set out work that needs a large flat  area to set work out to assemble parts of cabinet work.

Then a area for mixing standard wood glues and epoxies and polyester resins and gelcoats to be used on the many different types of repairs we undertake over the course of a year. and finally shelves with Clamps and drills and other power and hand tools needed on a daily basis. 

Out in the yard areas around the yard for timber storage and other equipment that is not needed to be stored in the work. Presently working on dividing the yard in to designated areas to store items so that they are easily to hand without the need to move to much to get them out and into the workshop or on to a job out in the yard. So that over the next few weeks we will get the workshop and yard into a position where working will be a lot easier than it as been for sometime.  


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