Friday 12 February 2021

The difference a week makes in the boatyard a bit of snow and the area slows down, however, not for long.

 It has been a bit of a week over at the boatyard and in the workshop, partly because I have for the early part of the week was not able to get to the boatyard and  workshop. When I able to get there. There was a few bits that needed sorting out. my temporary cover over my Yacht had got damaged. So that when the weather get better I will have to get out my welder and reweld some of the end sections which are short pipe spigots get have broken off. Not a major problem but one I could do without having to do. However, such is life. So a bit of Modifying to be done on the ends so it does not happen again. Apart from that the rest of the boatyard and workshop as faired reasonably well given the weather we have just had.   On the plus side I have just got a commission to mould a couple of 8ft dinghies for Easter. 

So when I get back to the workshop next week, it will be time to clean up the mould and get the gelcoat and matt and resin flowing and get the hulls moulded and then fitted out ready for Easter, So going to be busy for the time now and Easter moulding and fitting out the pair of dinghies. At the same time continuing with the fitting of the engine beds in the picnic boat and getting on with that boat as well.

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