Saturday 16 January 2021

Getting on with small jobs while the weather and the lockdown are causing problems with major projects.

 It has been a bit of a up and down week down at the boatyard and in the workshop, the weather been unsettled, one minute it is quiet mild and the next it is freezing cold. However, that is the way the winter going in the UK, So many of the jobs I have in and around the boatyard and the workshop have been put on hold because the conditions are not stabilisable enough for long enough to ensure the final outcome will be up to spec. So in the meantime I will be doing a bit of small jobs which I have been putting to one side for just these sort of times when doing other jobs need long time to do and need more settled temperatures.

So get on with small jobs such as making paddles and oars, it is
a way of making use of ash I have in stock, I am making a new range of bespoke paddles.

I can make them with different tops and length of blades depending on customer requirements, So give Simon a call today if you are in the market for a paddle so that you are not up a creek without a paddle.

I might even do a bit of wood turning on my Lathe, making some ash belaying pins and other small items for small boats. Also do some more cleaning up the workshop and machinery maintenance both on hand tools and power tools while I have the time to do them before the end of the lockdown comes and we get busy again.

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