Saturday 9 January 2021

An interesting first week back at the boatyard and workshop in this new year

 An interesting first week back at the boatyard and in the workshop. A lot of boat movements and a car that has come into the workshop to have some body restoration done to it. The boats that were moved around were the blue speed boat and the yellow picnic boat, which have changed places. That is so the picnic boat can get the inside rebuild and the engine fitted in to convert it from a rowing boat to a motor launch. There is a lot to do with the inside as the floor bearers have to go back in after the boat comes off its trailer. The main problem at the moment is that the trailer is the wrong design for the boat. it is bending the hull up where the rollers are positioned and the fact the trailer has no centre line support is only making the problem worse. So in order to glass the floor bearers back in the boat. The boat is going to come off the trailer and be put on a strong back to support the boat hull down the centre line and then be support along the sides. That way the floor bearers can be fitted in the correct position and glassed in correct and strengthen the hull at the same time.

That the first job for next week to get the trailer off from under the boat and level the hull up and then glass back the floor bearers.

Then make a start on the car body restoration, at least that is the plan?

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