Friday, 1 June 2018

Chain locker bulkhead now dry fitted in position

The hardy 25 chain locker bulkhead is now dry fitted in position and just needs to have the surrounding area ground back to bare matting so that the new bulkhead can be fitted back into position. 

Once thia is glassed in then the whole area will be flow coated so that the bulkhead will be seal both from the outside and the inside and the linings can be put back into position and the refit can continue.

Unpacking the new instructs to make sure all is there, it is apart from the VHF Ariel which needs to be purchased.  

At last the boat is clean of any bits that are not needed before the refitting of the inside of the boat can begin the area where the fuel tank is clean of anything that is in the way, so that the fuel tank can go back in position and get connected up.

The area where the batteries were is in need of re-origainising  to make the best use of the available area

The steering consul is now got all the old instruments removed so it is now time to sort out the position of the new equipment and place it where it is going to work the best.

The cabin is now at a stage where it can start to be put back together 

The same is true of the toilet compartment  as this is getting a complete make over

Last but not the least the outboard is coming off and going into the workshop for a good overall service and genral clean up

Making a start on checking the engine to see what is needed to get this up and running again.

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