Saturday 7 January 2017

Sorting out the decks and getting ready to make the quadrant to fit round the deck

Before we made a start on the sanding of the deck the cabin area had to be sheeted up to stop any dust from going down below. 

Then the decks had to cleared of any loose items and then get out the orbital sander and finger motor sander to get where the other sander could not get in around any deck fittings 

The biggest job was sanding level the new repairs with the old deck covering and making level 

After the decks are sanded then we have to fit quadrant around the cabin sides and make fancy end pieces to join the different lengths of quadrant together. 

anf make an odd angled piece to go along the edge of the deck covering to the face of the transom to ensure the transom to deck covering joint is watertight.

Making new quadrant to go round the cabin side to deck joint,

The main length cut in two to make the long e=runs for the cabin sides.

The short lengths for the ends of the cockpit and top of the transom.

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