Saturday 27 July 2024

The Morgan Giles 30 is now out of the workshop awaiting transport for the next stage in her refit.

Setting the block and tackle to start the move out of the workshop into the yard.

The headroom between the cabin sliding hatch was just 12mm clearance.

Halfway out and pass the high part of the cabin sliding hatch

The high spot from a different angle, is it gong to get out under the door beam.

Pass the high point and the concrete is flat and level so the boat can move easier than when it came in 5years 5 months and two week ago.

Finally she's out in the sunlight.

Just waiting for transport to take her to other boatyard to get her mast stepped and her engine fitted.


Thursday 25 July 2024

Final stages of making the cockpit companionway water and weather tight.

Some ofr the dfinal jobs to be done to the Morgan Giles 30 before it goes out into the yard to get put on to transport.

Fitting the new washboards. so they slide down the in the routered out slots in the vertical companionway surround 

The washboards all cut out sanded and wiped over with white spirit

Given their first coat od thinned varnish


Sunday 21 July 2024

The 8 ft dinghy build is coming along well.

The hull is now cured and removed from the mould ready for the next stage.

Mould the two seats which are the buoyancy tanks for the boat 

Once the seats were released from their moulds they were trimmed back to the correct size and wedged into position so they can be glassed into place

Also the gunwales have been nailed in place and the top edge of the hull is leveled off with the top of the gunwales 


Tuesday 16 July 2024

The Morgan Giles 30 time is the workshop is drawing to a close and now time to go out into the yard.

The Morgan Giles 30 is now having the final deck fittings fitted before it goes outside into the yard.

The only job we have to do before she can go outside is to remove the stanchions so the yacht can go out of the doors 

All the underwater skin fittings are fitted so the holes in the hull are now done below the waterline.

To make getting out of the workshop easier we have laid a concrete pad to roll the cradle out on smooth ground so that the boat transport people can lift her straight on to the transport and to her next stage of her refit.