Monday 17 December 2018

Second layer epoxied down and the aft deck just to fit the knees

The second layer of plywood deck now  screwed and epoxied down and ready to trim ofthe f the edge when the glue is cured overnight.  

Now it needs to have screw holes filled and faired and the deck panels sanded so it will be ready for gluing the matting over the deck to seal the deck surface.

Once the deck is trimmed and the radius is routed on the outer edge the sheathing will be put on. 
Just the aft deck repairs to finish and get the  aft deck panel glued and fixed down to complete the deck work.

The transom knees now fitted and just the middle beam to fit and then the deck panel can get glued and screwed down and then the final piuece of plywood deck can be made and glued down.

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