Friday 29 June 2018

Clenching up rib nails to help with stretched nails

Over a period of time and use of the yacht over many years, the rib nails stretch a little and need a little light Clenching to draw up the plank lands to help reduce if not stop any weeping lands
The main areas are round the engine beds and the centreboard and bilge keels areas as these are subjected to the most stress when sailing or taking the ground. 

The main section to do is the area between the keel to the waterline as this is the area that is working when the yacht is sailing or motoring and when the yacht is grounded either on pursue or by accident. 

Special attention to be taken around the bilge keel area as these have a lot of stress on them when grounding 

This job should be done when the yacht first started to show signs of  leaks not left until major work is needed to be done to cure the problem. 

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